things I learned last year

I may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post. As always, my opinions and sentiments are my own and I express them freely, regardless of sponsorship because I partner with brands I love.

It’s my birthday today and while I don’t always reflect upon the past year, there are some things I’ve learned in those 12 months that I want to share.

I would love to know which of the things I’ve learned resonate with you, too! Feel free to leave a comment on this post or DM me on Instagram (I know many of you are here from that platform).

Here are a few of the things I’ve learned:

You can’t control everything.

I had an incredible start to 2020, with our one year wedding anniversary/delayed honeymoon trip to Hawaii for two weeks (my happy place), trips to New York City, Vegas, and San Antonio all by the first week of March and several more trips planned for both business and pleasure. I got a promotion on the same day some of my teammates learned their positions were eliminated. And then, the following week, the hospitality industry’s (the industry in which I work) rapid decline began. Whether I got to keep my job (I did) was something I wondered about frequently, hoping and praying that the spread of the virus slowed, and longing for the exciting adventures I’d had to cancel were things all out of my direct control. While I could contribute to some of these things, the ultimate outcome wasn’t up to me, but how I processed these things was. If I’m being honest, it wasn’t always calm and stress-free.


It’s okay to be messy.


I often times dressed to impress at the office because I love fashion and style, so it took me a little while to embrace the work from home, wear-your-pajamas to meetings is acceptable culture. It’s okay to come as you are—truly, it’s a miracle I can actually get out of bed some days with the weight of everything that is ping ponging around in my head  


Your environment can change you.


Ask almost anyone who knows me in real life and they would tell you that I’m a textbook extrovert. I’m bubbly, I’m energetic, and I’m always up for a challenge (or adventure) that includes other people. As I’ve been working more independently at home and using technology to bridge the communication gap, during an especially challenging time at work, I’m realizing more and more that the 49% introvert that I am (according to Myers-Briggs enhanced test) has really shined through. After a day of work (or even a day spent with my husband), I need some time alone to recharge, which is not something to be ashamed of! It’s all about self-awareness and knowing what you need and when in order to preserve the right balance. This is a different situation than when I was in the office all day, so it caught me off guard at first. 


Sometimes, you just have to fight like hell.


(a picture of me teaching about marketing at a round table in Vegas last year)

I mentioned the very challenging year we’ve been having in the hospitality industry (understatement) and how fortunate I feel to have been able to keep my job and continue to face the challenges that the pandemic is bringing us head on. There were so many times last year where I said in both personal and professional circumstances that I wasn’t sure how we would ever make it through this but here we are. We’ve only gotten this far by fighting like hell, putting one foot in front of the other, and by facing the days as they come. I am going to have so many “tell me about a time when…” examples to share at future panels and interviews to share from the past 365 days, and I’m fortunate to have these experiences. There really isn’t anything like it: just. keep. going. 


Take care of yourself.


workout shoes tan and leopard

It would be awfully easy to let the stress and weight of everything just eat away at me – and some days, I do, tbh. But, for the most part, I’m finding ways to say, “that’s enough for today” and then turning on a favorite show, opening up my iPad to read, bringing my creativity out as I organize my planner, making a delicious recipe, or even moving my body on the treadmill. There have been many days this year where I’ve found what others write on social media just too tough for me to continue to consume, so I’ve taken breaks. I appreciate reading other opinions and perspectives, as it helps me become a stronger strategic thinker, but some days it’s just too much and unplugging is COMPLETELY OKAY. I am still working on this one, because I have major FOMO. 

It’s okay to continue learning – even as an adult.


I’ll be brief – there have been more polarizing topics of discussion in the past year than I can recall in recent times. I’ve been listening, engaging, and continuing to learn and grow, even in my 30s. You shouldn’t feel like you “have to” know it all at any age – there is always room for continuous learning, which is a beautiful thing. I’ve had so many meaningful discussions with others, which I’ve enjoyed, even if they’re hard sometimes.

DIY is hard but not impossible- especially with a good mentor. 

At the very beginning of the notion we’d potentially have stay at home orders way back in March, we decided it was time to start our complete gut of our master bathroom to make it the room we’d hoped it could be. Neither of us are super handy and had never done something like this before, but with my dad’s help and guidance, we were able to build a gorgeous, updated master bath that we both love. That successful project also sparked another desire to complete a downstairs bar/entertainment area and we are so happy with how that turned out, too! If only we could entertain now!

My clean laundry doesn’t make it to my closet any faster, even though I am working from home.

That is all – no further comments haha.

I miss my family – so much.


The last time I’ve seen them all in person – together – was at my birthday last year. I’ve felt so disconnected from the entire family because we are much better together and in-person. Miss you all DEARLY ♥️!