Quick Beef Bowls

I may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post. As always, my opinions and sentiments are my own and I express them freely, regardless of sponsorship because I partner with brands I love.

Decided to make a quick and easy recipe for dinner tonight because it’s Monday and my husband kept saying, “this is really good! You’ll have to make this again.”

Beef bowls

Here is the recipe:

Serves 4.


1 lb diced skirt or flank steak (I used skirt)
2T olive oil
3c white rice
4c broccoli
6 oz sweet Thai chili sauce
3 tsp sriracha
3.5 tsp soy sauce (I use reduced sodium)
Peanuts for topping



Start cooking your rice
Dice steak and add to a warm skillet coated in olive oil. Keep on medium heat.
Cook steak through
Simultaneously steam broccoli
Coat steak in chili sauce, sriracha, and soy sauce in the pan it is cooked in.
Once complete, plate rice, broccoli, and steak
Top with peanuts

