affordable, sleek handbags on amazon fashion

I may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post. As always, my opinions and sentiments are my own and I express them freely, regardless of sponsorship because I partner with brands I love.

I’ve learned over the past couple of months that there are affordable Amazon handbags! Even better? Most are less than $60 and come in a multitude of colors. Today, I’m sharing a few of my favorites right here!

I’ll preface this post by saying that I came across these gems when I was looking for a larger purse to carry my everyday items and liked the sleek aesthetic that most of these bags provide. I love shoulder bags because they’re easier for me to wear. I tend to like neutral-colored bags because they give me versatility and I don’t have to be as concerned with whether the bag matches my outfit, so you will see that reflected in my picks here.

The rich appearance of exteriors on these purses reminds me of much, much more expensive designer bags. You can wear them to work, date night, happy hour, and more. Basically, everywhere!

Enjoy these gorgeous bags + let me know which ones you snag!

sign-off by heather from north star notes